
I Promised - Good Stuff!

I found something great:  Reusable Snack Bags.

I know that's nothing earth moving and I am behind the times, but I love them.  These are sold by an Etsy artist known as Circus Peanuts.  They are very well made and adorable.

Eco-friendly, adorable and sewn to perfection.  Here is a link to her store: Circus Peanuts

Here is our latest purchase:
They have a velcro closure - Gigi was practicing opening and closing them today!  They have a wipeable lining and a gusseted bottom (they will sit by themselves).

May need to get more, for me!


  1. I'm behind the time with these too. They are super cute but I'm wondering if you can wash them? If so, I'll have to pick up a few. Thanks for sharing!

  2. She did include care instructions....let me go look....
