
Spread SO Thin - Nickname is Transparent

The answer to the question is:  Because I like torture.

The question is:  Why do I feel the need to be over-scheduled?

Over-scheduled gives me a sense of comfort.  It satisfies my ADD.  Growing up (and still to this day) I loathe Sundays.  Yeah, I find a whole lot of fun laying around doing nothing (insert sarcasm).  I can't just sit.  Before cable in the 80's on Sundays I was reduced to watching "Family Classics" on WGN in Chicago and maybe catch a boring movie my dad pegged as a "classic".  I would say "Mom, can we go somewhere, pleeease"?  Her response "Go find something to do".  Oh, how I hated Sundays!

I worked really hard in my twenties.  I belonged to various groups, I volunteered, I went to business lunches and on trips - never a dull moment.  The habit was established.

When Thad and I decided to start a family, we pretty much knew we would be a family with two incomes.  I would hop right back into the workforce and sorry, kids go to daycare.  Then Jack was born and I was in school.  I had no assimilation or alliance with any company and the longer I stayed home, the more it felt right - for my family.  By baby number 3, I felt like it was time to really get something going.  Three kids turns you into "MOM".  It is your whole being.  How do mothers of 4 do it?  Michelle Duggar....seriously?  I won't go there.

So I started my own business.  I reaaaaallllllyyyyy want to open my own store, but an online store is where I must start.  Then I felt like I needed to give back to the community and I started working for a non-profit part-time, and I am also on a committee with them (we help kids in foster care).  Then I get an email from the local soccer club that they need a PR director - so I apply and get nominated to be on the board.  This keeps up my college degree.  Each involvement satisfies a part of my brain.

Now my nights are filled with meetings and my days are filled with creating items for my store.  The rest of my day I spend playing with the kids, teaching the kids and guiding them through rises and falls.  I try to enjoy every minute even if those minutes are fighting or speaking in "whinese". 

But, it is a lot.  It's my style though, to bounce around like that and it keeps my brain busy.  So although I don't recommend spreading yourself so thin that you are transparent, I do encourage mom's to find something they love and commit to it.  As big or as small as it is.  Don't lose sight of yourself because one day you will have an empty house and you have to remember who "you" really are.

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