
Back to School Shopping Memories - Worth $250 Bucks

Every year in August growing up in Chicagoland, the countdown would begin.

When were we going Back to School shopping?

My mom would announce the day in July and in true DeAnna fashion, I couldn't sleep the night before.  We would head out to Aurora, Illinois to Fox Valley Mall and I was given $250 cash for clothes, and shoes and it had to last at least through spring.  We'd grab lunch at Arby's and then after the mall we always ended up at a place called "Designer Depot" and "Fashionation".  God, I miss those stores.

Although I played it safe with fashion trends, I did fall into a few traps - MC Hammer pants which were tie dyed.  Mustard and brown colored dress shoes.  Yellow Reebok high tops.  I could go on and on.

I am thrilled I have two daughters to share the same experience with. 

Now with the birth of online shopping, the thrill of the mall is somewhat obsolete.  Especially in Charleston.  The closest mall is terrible.  No Gap, horrible anchor stores and an occasional shooting at Footlocker.

So in light of the new age of internet shopping, I'd like to introduce you to a few hot spots to click on to help your back to school shopping needs:

1)  Next Direct.  Have you been to their site yet?  Oh, a must.
2)  Zulily.  My favorite "Bargain a day" site.
3)  Ginger Pinks.  Affordable, trendy jewelry for pre teens and moms.
4)  Splash of Pink.  Great. sales. always.  Preppy resort wear for woman and girls.
5)  Thred Up.  Online kids resale shop.  Swap clothes and only pay shipping.

6)  Mamabargains and Baby Steals for daily bargains.
7)  Ideeli and Rent the Runway - more awesomeness for mom
8)  Handmade clothing that LASTS and WASHES GREAT at Sew Posh Baby and my friend Grace's store Finley and Oliver for great girls and BOYS items including mustache themed clothing.
9)  For your fur baby Woof Woof and Sew On
10) Of course, my staples:  Crazy 8, Gymboree, Carters and Janie and Jack.  Love them.

Maybe my list introduced you to a few new shops/favorites of mine. I'd love to hear yours!  Hope you get through back to school shopping for you or your kids painless and if you can, buy local as well!

Happy spending and saving!


  1. I have been wanting to comment on this & now I can!!
    This is the best! I am in no way an internet surfer, so for you to provide an easy list for me... well, you just made my life simple & sweet! I checked out several sites & am going to try Thredup, as my Once Upon a Child closed.
    I look forward to further information.
    And, you got $250 for school? I only got $100!

  2. LOL. That was shoes and all, until I started working at the Gap. Then I was totally self financed!
