
I Got 99 Veggies but the Corn Ain't One.

Oh, the joy of comparing veggies to hip hop.  Where there is a will, there is a way.

My family and I spent Independence Day weekend on the family farm.  My Mother-in-law and her husband own a cattle farm.  Grass fed, organic cattle with a load of vegetables.  Every year we leave with an assortment.  This year was no different.

Literally - 45 pounds of vegetables.  4 giant zucchini's, yellow squash, onions, and.......what else......oh, tomatoes.  About 345 tomatoes.  I immediately brought some to the neighbors and started cleaning and pruning....

Here is proof:

Reject box, some things did not travel well and I pruned and cleaned:

So, what's a girl to do?  I have a family of four and only one of us eats vegetables (me, thank you).  Gigi will eat things mixed with veggies. but Jack nor my husband really cares for them.  I am going to scour the Earth for veggie friendly recipes.

Coincidentally last week I was watching Rachel Ray and she made Farmers Market Soup.  It had a minestrone base.  Pretty good with some crusty tuscan bread.

Here is a picture pre-broth:

I found a recipe for Summer Squash with Rice and wow, what a great recipe.  Gigi LOVED it.  It had a risotto flavor (buttery).  Thad loved it, Jack picked out everything but the rice and carrots (success).  I served it with chicken coated with paprika, garlic powder and a little flour cooked in a bit of canola.  I was thinking curry, but summer squash made me think paprika.....it complimented ok.

So, I have gone through the bushel and have a lot left.  I may make some zucchini bread, etc.  I will keep you posted and pass on those great veggie recipes.

You may think I am crazy, but I am going to the Farmers Market tomorrow.  I need some fill in's.  I can't eat tomatoes for every meal!

Have a great weekend.  I will be in the craft room next week!


  1. This has to be the best blog title ever. Anyone who can work Jay Z into a veggie post is awesome!

  2. Thanks. I can't stop saying "Hit me" after I read it. I "heart" Jay-Z.
