
I Hope We Win the Lottery! Not That Lottery....

It's in the media, it's in the schools, it affects your kids on a daily basis - the education system in the USA sucks.

The Program for International Student Assessment in Paris evaluates schools in 34 countries.  The United States ranked average in all areas.  The proof is in the pudding.

As a child who grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, school choice was a no-brainer.  What school was the closest proximity to your house?  That's where you went.  All the schools were filled with diverse backgrounds, kids came from mixed socioeconomic backgrounds and went on to become doctors, lawyers, company owners, and teachers.  Now that I am faced with making education decisions for my kids, I am realizing that I really was lucky.  Illinois (DuPage County) has many things going for them - sure the taxes may be high, but they are turning out educated students and the process is not a stressful one.

Fast forward to 2010.  My adventure selecting elementary schools starts - NOW.

Let's compare two of my childhood experience to what my child's experience could be: 

School in close proximity - On a scale of Excellent, Good, Average, Under Performing and Failing, this school is labeled "Average".  There have been two lock downs due to local shootings within the past 12 months.  Not sold.

Teacher Retention - My brother and sister (who are 9/10 years younger then me) shared some of the same teachers I did.  The school we are zoned for has one of the highest teacher turnover rates and one of the highest teacher absences.  What message does that send?

So what are parents to do?  Move?  Real Estate market is in the tank.  Private school?  Well, $12,000 tuition a year for three kids is not going to work for us.  So here are our choices......get ready.

1)  Magnet School - Entrance by lottery.  Applications are split into four categories:  1)  Kids in the "zone" 2) Siblings 3) Kids in a failing school zone (Thanks to NCLB)  4) Kids from the county.  Out of 250 applications, 100 are picked to test and 40 are selected.  Yes - for Kindergarten.  This school rocks and everyone wants in.  So, the lottery may be the most important day in our child's academic future.

2)  Partial Magnet - To apply to this school takes a very organized and detailed parent.  You need:  Copy of your tax bill, Utility bill, notarized afidavit of proof of residency, letter of recommendation from PRESCHOOL, two SASE's, and the finished application.

3) Inter district Transfer - There are two other schools we can petition to transfer to - but that takes a lot of work and you have to prove reasons other than "the school I am zoned for is average".

So, what to do, what to do.  One could suggest we move to a part of the country where there is more money for schools, say Massachusetts.  But let's face it - this system represents the bulk of America.  Rural and inner city schools have it even worse.  Something has to be done.

I don't know the answers, but I do know that there are many qualified, under-paid teachers out there who have the answers.  Ask them and take their advice.  Let's not leave decisions to individuals who have their finger on the pulse of politics.  Leave it to the experts.

A kindergarten application should not mirror that of a college application.  Kids should not have to hope that their names get picked in a lottery (Like an NBA Draft).  Parents should not feel the need to flee a demographic area to obtain great education.  Having kids really opens your eyes to issues you never knew existed!

The journey continues - to be continued.....!