I Hope We Win the Lottery! Not That Lottery....
It's in the media, it's in the schools, it affects your kids on a daily basis - the education system in the USA sucks.
The Program for International Student Assessment in Paris evaluates schools in 34 countries. The United States ranked average in all areas. The proof is in the pudding.
As a child who grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, school choice was a no-brainer. What school was the closest proximity to your house? That's where you went. All the schools were filled with diverse backgrounds, kids came from mixed socioeconomic backgrounds and went on to become doctors, lawyers, company owners, and teachers. Now that I am faced with making education decisions for my kids, I am realizing that I really was lucky. Illinois (DuPage County) has many things going for them - sure the taxes may be high, but they are turning out educated students and the process is not a stressful one.
Fast forward to 2010. My adventure selecting elementary schools starts - NOW.
Let's compare two of my childhood experience to what my child's experience could be:
School in close proximity - On a scale of Excellent, Good, Average, Under Performing and Failing, this school is labeled "Average". There have been two lock downs due to local shootings within the past 12 months. Not sold.
Teacher Retention - My brother and sister (who are 9/10 years younger then me) shared some of the same teachers I did. The school we are zoned for has one of the highest teacher turnover rates and one of the highest teacher absences. What message does that send?
So what are parents to do? Move? Real Estate market is in the tank. Private school? Well, $12,000 tuition a year for three kids is not going to work for us. So here are our choices......get ready.
1) Magnet School - Entrance by lottery. Applications are split into four categories: 1) Kids in the "zone" 2) Siblings 3) Kids in a failing school zone (Thanks to NCLB) 4) Kids from the county. Out of 250 applications, 100 are picked to test and 40 are selected. Yes - for Kindergarten. This school rocks and everyone wants in. So, the lottery may be the most important day in our child's academic future.
2) Partial Magnet - To apply to this school takes a very organized and detailed parent. You need: Copy of your tax bill, Utility bill, notarized afidavit of proof of residency, letter of recommendation from PRESCHOOL, two SASE's, and the finished application.
3) Inter district Transfer - There are two other schools we can petition to transfer to - but that takes a lot of work and you have to prove reasons other than "the school I am zoned for is average".
So, what to do, what to do. One could suggest we move to a part of the country where there is more money for schools, say Massachusetts. But let's face it - this system represents the bulk of America. Rural and inner city schools have it even worse. Something has to be done.
I don't know the answers, but I do know that there are many qualified, under-paid teachers out there who have the answers. Ask them and take their advice. Let's not leave decisions to individuals who have their finger on the pulse of politics. Leave it to the experts.
A kindergarten application should not mirror that of a college application. Kids should not have to hope that their names get picked in a lottery (Like an NBA Draft). Parents should not feel the need to flee a demographic area to obtain great education. Having kids really opens your eyes to issues you never knew existed!
The journey continues - to be continued.....!
Spent $190, Saved $92.
So my bill would have been over $300.00 (which is not normal - $170 with formula and diapers is normal for this family of food lovers).
I had $100.00 in coupons. I pretty much could have used a second cart. I stocked up on pasta, veggies, snacks, cereals, detergents and more. This could easily work into meals for weeks to come. $14.00 for a SMALL can of formula (hoping to have Francesca weaned off formula soon!) and a $6.00 jar of sundried tomatoes.
I would love to have walked out with less than $100.00 in groceries, but that's the goal for next week and the week after.
Love double coupons!
I had $100.00 in coupons. I pretty much could have used a second cart. I stocked up on pasta, veggies, snacks, cereals, detergents and more. This could easily work into meals for weeks to come. $14.00 for a SMALL can of formula (hoping to have Francesca weaned off formula soon!) and a $6.00 jar of sundried tomatoes.
I would love to have walked out with less than $100.00 in groceries, but that's the goal for next week and the week after.
Love double coupons!
I have been hiding.....and I have had a change of heart....
Where have I been you ask? The only answer I have is that I needed a break. I actually had a mental breakdown about 5-6 weeks ago and realized I had taken on too much. Instead of tapering off my schedule and commitments - I stopped EVERYTHING. With the help of my favorite physician and support from my family I am back on track. If you noticed I was not following through on a lot, not calling, not handing in reports (ahem...), it's because I was paralyzed mentally!
I have had increasing anxiety since I started giving birth 5 years ago. Since giving birth has become my favorite "hobby", my anxiety levels keep increasing. Mine manifests in the form of hypochondria. It is debilitating to the person living with this disorder and completely incomprehensible to someone who does not. The panic has such physical effects on a person. False, self-diagnosing leads to real health issues. My doctor said to concentrate on living and if I get that "needle in the haystack" disease, then we'll deal with it.
I also read a great quote when it comes to dealing with hypochondria....."when you hear hooves, think horses and not zebras". If you get a cough, think cold - not lung cancer. That little "creed" has kept me in check!
On to the good stuff:
1) Next Saturday DemiDesigns will be in the 2nd Charleston Artist Market. I am focusing on selling my "FANCY" collection. It is at the Music Farm if any locals are interested. Super excited!
2) I have had a change of heart......I know that I insulted coupons a few posts ago, but I think I have got this game figured out. I am so excited about my new focus on saving money and storing items for future meals, I am obsessed with coupon clipping! My favorite grocery store, Harris Teeter, has double coupons up to $1.98 tomorrow. I strategically meal planned and tomorrow I hope to "cash in". Pampers for $5.99.....3 cans of Pringles for $1.50. Caribou Coffee for $ 6.99 a lb. And so on.......you bet your pretty little pocketbook that I will update you tomorrow!
I also noticed that if you join coupon dealsites Facebook page, you get all day notifications on Facebook. Yesterday I was looking at Crocs for Jack (replacements) and I found some for $15.00. I almost bought them. Then last night I saw that they had glow in the dark dragon Crocs. If you clicked "LIKE" you could get a link on the page to Crocs and get them for $8.99. $15.00 off. Awesome.
Anywhoo....if you have great coupon sites, please let me know!
Thanks for reading!
I have had increasing anxiety since I started giving birth 5 years ago. Since giving birth has become my favorite "hobby", my anxiety levels keep increasing. Mine manifests in the form of hypochondria. It is debilitating to the person living with this disorder and completely incomprehensible to someone who does not. The panic has such physical effects on a person. False, self-diagnosing leads to real health issues. My doctor said to concentrate on living and if I get that "needle in the haystack" disease, then we'll deal with it.
I also read a great quote when it comes to dealing with hypochondria....."when you hear hooves, think horses and not zebras". If you get a cough, think cold - not lung cancer. That little "creed" has kept me in check!
On to the good stuff:
1) Next Saturday DemiDesigns will be in the 2nd Charleston Artist Market. I am focusing on selling my "FANCY" collection. It is at the Music Farm if any locals are interested. Super excited!
2) I have had a change of heart......I know that I insulted coupons a few posts ago, but I think I have got this game figured out. I am so excited about my new focus on saving money and storing items for future meals, I am obsessed with coupon clipping! My favorite grocery store, Harris Teeter, has double coupons up to $1.98 tomorrow. I strategically meal planned and tomorrow I hope to "cash in". Pampers for $5.99.....3 cans of Pringles for $1.50. Caribou Coffee for $ 6.99 a lb. And so on.......you bet your pretty little pocketbook that I will update you tomorrow!
I also noticed that if you join coupon dealsites Facebook page, you get all day notifications on Facebook. Yesterday I was looking at Crocs for Jack (replacements) and I found some for $15.00. I almost bought them. Then last night I saw that they had glow in the dark dragon Crocs. If you clicked "LIKE" you could get a link on the page to Crocs and get them for $8.99. $15.00 off. Awesome.
Anywhoo....if you have great coupon sites, please let me know!
Thanks for reading!
Meal Plan - I Really Need to Lose Weight
So, the scale sucks. Many people say "it's inches that matter". I think that's a load of crap. It's the scale. If I weighed 140 pounds, I know what my inches would look like. My personal weight does not reflect the amount of calories I burn on a daily basis. I run 12 miles per week minimum, I work out, I chase kids, I lift babies, I chase dogs, I bend and stretch, I clean, I move furniture, I drive kids to school - I am not a sitter. I must be consuming too many of the wrong kind of calories.
I reached into the depths of my brain and pulled out my healthy eating rules....and I grocery shopped today. I bought a healthy cart full of food and tried to sabotage myself with two Hershey bars as my reward for the week. They both melted in my purse because it's 100 degrees outside. I would still call it a loss, but a good loss....maybe in my thighs.
I normally put 3 spoonfuls of sugar in my coffee. This past week was my "lower sugar" intake initiative. I replaced 2 tablespoons with one tsp. of Truvia. That has got to help. This week, I am replacing Yoplait with Breyers. I did not realize what a huge difference in sugars there were in yogurts which I considered comparable.
I also discovered a new website: Sparkrecipes.com
Healthy recipes, over 10,000 vegan recipes alone (not that I am a Vegan, but a few Vegan meals per week is a great goal for us), and free membership with recipe box. Love it.
Here is my meal plan for the week:
B Thad's Italian Feast (Don't ask - Salami & yogurt crudite`)
L So good - Ham and Red Pepper wrap with side of carrots
D Red Beans and Sausage with Brown Rice
B Felicity Puffs Yummy Breakfast Puff Recipe
L Wrap (from above) - Kids will have Peanut Butter Roll Ups
D Curry Chicken w/ Yellow Rice - Curry Recipe
Tuesday (Soccer Night)
B Pancakes
L Soup w/ Crackers
D Frozen Pizza (Home Run Inn!)
Wednesday (Mom's Gone for Dinner!)
B Homemade Blueberry Muffins
L Out For Lunch
D Slow Cooker Chicken Parm w/ whole grain pasta - Super Easy Chicken Parm
B Waffles and Berries
L Asian Slaw - See How this goes (Kids get Lunchables for school)
D Make Your Own Tacos - Ground Beef
B Toast and Eggs
L Quesadillas
D Out to eat! Mexican perhaps???
Let's see if I lose a pound! ARGH!
I reached into the depths of my brain and pulled out my healthy eating rules....and I grocery shopped today. I bought a healthy cart full of food and tried to sabotage myself with two Hershey bars as my reward for the week. They both melted in my purse because it's 100 degrees outside. I would still call it a loss, but a good loss....maybe in my thighs.
I normally put 3 spoonfuls of sugar in my coffee. This past week was my "lower sugar" intake initiative. I replaced 2 tablespoons with one tsp. of Truvia. That has got to help. This week, I am replacing Yoplait with Breyers. I did not realize what a huge difference in sugars there were in yogurts which I considered comparable.
I also discovered a new website: Sparkrecipes.com
Healthy recipes, over 10,000 vegan recipes alone (not that I am a Vegan, but a few Vegan meals per week is a great goal for us), and free membership with recipe box. Love it.
Here is my meal plan for the week:
B Thad's Italian Feast (Don't ask - Salami & yogurt crudite`)
L So good - Ham and Red Pepper wrap with side of carrots
D Red Beans and Sausage with Brown Rice
B Felicity Puffs Yummy Breakfast Puff Recipe
L Wrap (from above) - Kids will have Peanut Butter Roll Ups
D Curry Chicken w/ Yellow Rice - Curry Recipe
Tuesday (Soccer Night)
B Pancakes
L Soup w/ Crackers
D Frozen Pizza (Home Run Inn!)
Wednesday (Mom's Gone for Dinner!)
B Homemade Blueberry Muffins
L Out For Lunch
D Slow Cooker Chicken Parm w/ whole grain pasta - Super Easy Chicken Parm
B Waffles and Berries
L Asian Slaw - See How this goes (Kids get Lunchables for school)
D Make Your Own Tacos - Ground Beef
B Toast and Eggs
L Quesadillas
D Out to eat! Mexican perhaps???
Let's see if I lose a pound! ARGH!
Spread SO Thin - Nickname is Transparent
The answer to the question is: Because I like torture.
The question is: Why do I feel the need to be over-scheduled?
Over-scheduled gives me a sense of comfort. It satisfies my ADD. Growing up (and still to this day) I loathe Sundays. Yeah, I find a whole lot of fun laying around doing nothing (insert sarcasm). I can't just sit. Before cable in the 80's on Sundays I was reduced to watching "Family Classics" on WGN in Chicago and maybe catch a boring movie my dad pegged as a "classic". I would say "Mom, can we go somewhere, pleeease"? Her response "Go find something to do". Oh, how I hated Sundays!
I worked really hard in my twenties. I belonged to various groups, I volunteered, I went to business lunches and on trips - never a dull moment. The habit was established.
When Thad and I decided to start a family, we pretty much knew we would be a family with two incomes. I would hop right back into the workforce and sorry, kids go to daycare. Then Jack was born and I was in school. I had no assimilation or alliance with any company and the longer I stayed home, the more it felt right - for my family. By baby number 3, I felt like it was time to really get something going. Three kids turns you into "MOM". It is your whole being. How do mothers of 4 do it? Michelle Duggar....seriously? I won't go there.
So I started my own business. I reaaaaallllllyyyyy want to open my own store, but an online store is where I must start. Then I felt like I needed to give back to the community and I started working for a non-profit part-time, and I am also on a committee with them (we help kids in foster care). Then I get an email from the local soccer club that they need a PR director - so I apply and get nominated to be on the board. This keeps up my college degree. Each involvement satisfies a part of my brain.
Now my nights are filled with meetings and my days are filled with creating items for my store. The rest of my day I spend playing with the kids, teaching the kids and guiding them through rises and falls. I try to enjoy every minute even if those minutes are fighting or speaking in "whinese".
But, it is a lot. It's my style though, to bounce around like that and it keeps my brain busy. So although I don't recommend spreading yourself so thin that you are transparent, I do encourage mom's to find something they love and commit to it. As big or as small as it is. Don't lose sight of yourself because one day you will have an empty house and you have to remember who "you" really are.
The question is: Why do I feel the need to be over-scheduled?
Over-scheduled gives me a sense of comfort. It satisfies my ADD. Growing up (and still to this day) I loathe Sundays. Yeah, I find a whole lot of fun laying around doing nothing (insert sarcasm). I can't just sit. Before cable in the 80's on Sundays I was reduced to watching "Family Classics" on WGN in Chicago and maybe catch a boring movie my dad pegged as a "classic". I would say "Mom, can we go somewhere, pleeease"? Her response "Go find something to do". Oh, how I hated Sundays!
I worked really hard in my twenties. I belonged to various groups, I volunteered, I went to business lunches and on trips - never a dull moment. The habit was established.
When Thad and I decided to start a family, we pretty much knew we would be a family with two incomes. I would hop right back into the workforce and sorry, kids go to daycare. Then Jack was born and I was in school. I had no assimilation or alliance with any company and the longer I stayed home, the more it felt right - for my family. By baby number 3, I felt like it was time to really get something going. Three kids turns you into "MOM". It is your whole being. How do mothers of 4 do it? Michelle Duggar....seriously? I won't go there.
So I started my own business. I reaaaaallllllyyyyy want to open my own store, but an online store is where I must start. Then I felt like I needed to give back to the community and I started working for a non-profit part-time, and I am also on a committee with them (we help kids in foster care). Then I get an email from the local soccer club that they need a PR director - so I apply and get nominated to be on the board. This keeps up my college degree. Each involvement satisfies a part of my brain.
Now my nights are filled with meetings and my days are filled with creating items for my store. The rest of my day I spend playing with the kids, teaching the kids and guiding them through rises and falls. I try to enjoy every minute even if those minutes are fighting or speaking in "whinese".
But, it is a lot. It's my style though, to bounce around like that and it keeps my brain busy. So although I don't recommend spreading yourself so thin that you are transparent, I do encourage mom's to find something they love and commit to it. As big or as small as it is. Don't lose sight of yourself because one day you will have an empty house and you have to remember who "you" really are.
Miller Meal Plan - September 5th
My goal is for this blog NOT to turn into a cooking blog, however most of the things I have been writing about are controversial and I figured until I can craft my writings to not offend people, I will stick to food. I know not everyone shares the same opinions I do on many hot topics, so food it is for this week! Offensive hot topics next week!
My favorite recipe EVER is on this weeks menu:
It sounds scary and your kids probably won't like it. But it is on my short list labeled "awesome".
Here is this weeks dinner menu:
Sunday: My favorite recipe (above)
Monday: Potato & Goat Cheese Quesadilla's served with Guacamole and chips Quesadilla Recipe
Tuesday: Date night - kids having pizza
Wednesday: Risotto w/ Turkey Sausage: Risotto Recipe
Thursday: Goulash (see recipe below)
Friday: Chicken Paprika from last week.....I had to make a stroganoff instead last week, last minute game change.
This next recipe is a staple. My mother made it every week and now I know why. It's easy, it sticks to your ribs and it's economical. Great dish if you have to feed a lot of people. I served it for our last visitors who LOVED it.
Linda's "Ate it Once a Week"Goulash
1 pound Ground Beef
1 Pound Elbow Mac (you can use whole wheat or whole grain - just as good)
1 Jar of Prego (mid size jar)
In a large skillet, brown ground beef and season w/ salt, pepper and minced onion. In the meantime boil water and cook elbow mac. When beef is done, add sauce and simmer. When pasta is done, drain and return to pot. Carefully add sauce mixture to drained pasta. Serve with garlic bread and parmesan cheese. I am NOT a leftover person, but this does taste better the second day in my opinion! So, make extra and save yourself a night of making dinner.
Idea making....that's what I hope I have done for you this week! Try the Martha Stewart chicken, it is SO good. Smack your mama good.
My favorite recipe EVER is on this weeks menu:
It sounds scary and your kids probably won't like it. But it is on my short list labeled "awesome".
Here is this weeks dinner menu:
Sunday: My favorite recipe (above)
Monday: Potato & Goat Cheese Quesadilla's served with Guacamole and chips Quesadilla Recipe
Tuesday: Date night - kids having pizza
Wednesday: Risotto w/ Turkey Sausage: Risotto Recipe
Thursday: Goulash (see recipe below)
Friday: Chicken Paprika from last week.....I had to make a stroganoff instead last week, last minute game change.
This next recipe is a staple. My mother made it every week and now I know why. It's easy, it sticks to your ribs and it's economical. Great dish if you have to feed a lot of people. I served it for our last visitors who LOVED it.
Linda's "Ate it Once a Week"Goulash
1 pound Ground Beef
1 Pound Elbow Mac (you can use whole wheat or whole grain - just as good)
1 Jar of Prego (mid size jar)
In a large skillet, brown ground beef and season w/ salt, pepper and minced onion. In the meantime boil water and cook elbow mac. When beef is done, add sauce and simmer. When pasta is done, drain and return to pot. Carefully add sauce mixture to drained pasta. Serve with garlic bread and parmesan cheese. I am NOT a leftover person, but this does taste better the second day in my opinion! So, make extra and save yourself a night of making dinner.
Idea making....that's what I hope I have done for you this week! Try the Martha Stewart chicken, it is SO good. Smack your mama good.
Millers Meal Plan - August 29
This week, Thad will only be home for dinner two nights. Actually, next Friday he is home and I am going to a happy hour in honor of a coworkers wedding next weekend. So I typically shop and cook for convenience the nights he won't be home.
All recipes are posted at the bottom!
Breakfast - Biscuits and Gravy (just finished!)
Lunch - Turkey sandwiches with fruit and crackers w/ pimiento cheese
Dinner - 4 Cheese Cavatappi with Bacon
Breakfast - Pancakes w/ fruit
Lunch - Soup w/ Grilled Cheese (pack lunch for Jack)
Dinner - Chicken patties with corn on the cob and tater tots
Breakfast - Rice Cake for mom/Cereal for kids w/ fruit on side
Lunch - Whatever I want! Kids are in school! (Turkey probably)
Dinner - Chicken Paprikash (great hungarian meal)
Breakfast - Belgian Waffles w/ Berries
Lunch - Egg salad for mom and chicken nuggets for kids
Dinner - Pepper Steak (family recipe)
Breakfast - Rice cake w/ Peanut butter and bananas for mom/Cereal and fruit for kids
Lunch - Whatever I want!
Dinner - Tortellini and Sausage Stew (from Family Circle)
Friday - Pizza Night!
Four Cheese Mac
Click Here: Mac Recipe
Chicken Paprikash
6 Chicken Cutlets
1 cup of sour cream
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
2 Tbsp of milk
2 Tbsp of Paprika
1 bag of "No Yolk" Egg Noodles
Season chicken w/ salt and pepper. In large skillet, start cooking the chicken. Brown on both sides. In the meantime, in large pasta pot, bring lightly salted water to boil and cook pasta. When chicken is complete, combine sour cream, milk, and soup. Mix with chicken and scrape up bits, lower temp to medium. When pasta is done, drain and spoon mixture over noodles. Serve with broccoli on side.
Pepper Steak
1 Pound of Boneless Beef Sirloin - 3/4 inch thick cut into strips
1.5 cups of sliced Green Pepper (1-2 Green Peppers)
2 beef boullion
1- 1.5 cups of water
4-6 servings of white rice (follow directions on box)
Cook sirloin strips (spray a bit of non-stick spray in skillet first) in skillet - saute until cooked through. Add Green peppers and saute about 3 minutes. In the meantime, start the rice. Then add a cup of water and 2 beef boullion. When boullion dissolves, add a bit of Wondra or cornstarch mixed with a bit of water to thicken. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve over rice. (This is a balancing act, so if you want more gravy, add more water and boullion. Just add a little at a time.).
Tortellini and Sausage Stew
Click here: Stew Recipe
Hope you are inspired....and hungry!
All recipes are posted at the bottom!
Breakfast - Biscuits and Gravy (just finished!)
Lunch - Turkey sandwiches with fruit and crackers w/ pimiento cheese
Dinner - 4 Cheese Cavatappi with Bacon
Breakfast - Pancakes w/ fruit
Lunch - Soup w/ Grilled Cheese (pack lunch for Jack)
Dinner - Chicken patties with corn on the cob and tater tots
Breakfast - Rice Cake for mom/Cereal for kids w/ fruit on side
Lunch - Whatever I want! Kids are in school! (Turkey probably)
Dinner - Chicken Paprikash (great hungarian meal)
Breakfast - Belgian Waffles w/ Berries
Lunch - Egg salad for mom and chicken nuggets for kids
Dinner - Pepper Steak (family recipe)
Breakfast - Rice cake w/ Peanut butter and bananas for mom/Cereal and fruit for kids
Lunch - Whatever I want!
Dinner - Tortellini and Sausage Stew (from Family Circle)
Friday - Pizza Night!
Four Cheese Mac
Click Here: Mac Recipe
Chicken Paprikash
6 Chicken Cutlets
1 cup of sour cream
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
2 Tbsp of milk
2 Tbsp of Paprika
1 bag of "No Yolk" Egg Noodles
Season chicken w/ salt and pepper. In large skillet, start cooking the chicken. Brown on both sides. In the meantime, in large pasta pot, bring lightly salted water to boil and cook pasta. When chicken is complete, combine sour cream, milk, and soup. Mix with chicken and scrape up bits, lower temp to medium. When pasta is done, drain and spoon mixture over noodles. Serve with broccoli on side.
Pepper Steak
1 Pound of Boneless Beef Sirloin - 3/4 inch thick cut into strips
1.5 cups of sliced Green Pepper (1-2 Green Peppers)
2 beef boullion
1- 1.5 cups of water
4-6 servings of white rice (follow directions on box)
Cook sirloin strips (spray a bit of non-stick spray in skillet first) in skillet - saute until cooked through. Add Green peppers and saute about 3 minutes. In the meantime, start the rice. Then add a cup of water and 2 beef boullion. When boullion dissolves, add a bit of Wondra or cornstarch mixed with a bit of water to thicken. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve over rice. (This is a balancing act, so if you want more gravy, add more water and boullion. Just add a little at a time.).
Tortellini and Sausage Stew
Click here: Stew Recipe
Hope you are inspired....and hungry!
Meal Plan Curiosity
I may have my shortcomings in organization (hard with three kids), but one thing that I am good at is meal planning. I meal plan for 3 reasons:
1) I control costs by balancing economical ingredients and luxury ingredients (do I want saffron....? $12.00 per jar? No, this week will be paprika - again)
2) There is no guessing at 4 in the afternoon as to what we are having for dinner.
3) I can search for recipes based on common ingredients I am already using. If I find a recipe using freshly grated Parmesan cheese, I will try to use that item twice that week.
I shop every Sunday or I online shop on Monday. Sundays I have Thad to watch the kids, Mondays I drive through and pick them up at our local Harris Teeter (three kids in the grocery store is my own personal hell).
I do NOT clip coupons. Only for diapers and formula. I cannot get into couponning. I buy what I like, I do not buy things because I have a coupon for them. Also, we should as a society be eating more whole foods on the perimeter of our grocery store and there are never coupons for grapes and milk!
Coupons remind me of my love/hate for Costco. Do I really save when I walk out those doors with my "box" of goods? No, I can find good deals through store promotions down the street (and I walk out with 30 Lady Bics and a half a pound of Dentyne Ice that were not on my list). Do I really want 25 frozen chicken cutlets? No, because I don't like my meat frozen in time unless I do the freezing and it will sit in my freezer longer than I am comfortable with (I have OCD about food by the way, thought I should mention that - Jack does too). I still love to go to Costco though!
This post won't save you any money, but maybe reinforce how easy meal planning can be. Because I am a "foodie" and have am quite an epicurean, I am going to try to post my meals on Monday....or Sunday for that matter. I have had requests for recipes and requests for my meal plans - sharing with you will be helpful for me as well!
1) I control costs by balancing economical ingredients and luxury ingredients (do I want saffron....? $12.00 per jar? No, this week will be paprika - again)
2) There is no guessing at 4 in the afternoon as to what we are having for dinner.
3) I can search for recipes based on common ingredients I am already using. If I find a recipe using freshly grated Parmesan cheese, I will try to use that item twice that week.
I shop every Sunday or I online shop on Monday. Sundays I have Thad to watch the kids, Mondays I drive through and pick them up at our local Harris Teeter (three kids in the grocery store is my own personal hell).
I do NOT clip coupons. Only for diapers and formula. I cannot get into couponning. I buy what I like, I do not buy things because I have a coupon for them. Also, we should as a society be eating more whole foods on the perimeter of our grocery store and there are never coupons for grapes and milk!
Coupons remind me of my love/hate for Costco. Do I really save when I walk out those doors with my "box" of goods? No, I can find good deals through store promotions down the street (and I walk out with 30 Lady Bics and a half a pound of Dentyne Ice that were not on my list). Do I really want 25 frozen chicken cutlets? No, because I don't like my meat frozen in time unless I do the freezing and it will sit in my freezer longer than I am comfortable with (I have OCD about food by the way, thought I should mention that - Jack does too). I still love to go to Costco though!
This post won't save you any money, but maybe reinforce how easy meal planning can be. Because I am a "foodie" and have am quite an epicurean, I am going to try to post my meals on Monday....or Sunday for that matter. I have had requests for recipes and requests for my meal plans - sharing with you will be helpful for me as well!
I Promised - Good Stuff!
I found something great: Reusable Snack Bags.
I know that's nothing earth moving and I am behind the times, but I love them. These are sold by an Etsy artist known as Circus Peanuts. They are very well made and adorable.
Eco-friendly, adorable and sewn to perfection. Here is a link to her store: Circus Peanuts
Here is our latest purchase:
They have a velcro closure - Gigi was practicing opening and closing them today! They have a wipeable lining and a gusseted bottom (they will sit by themselves).
May need to get more, for me!
I know that's nothing earth moving and I am behind the times, but I love them. These are sold by an Etsy artist known as Circus Peanuts. They are very well made and adorable.
Eco-friendly, adorable and sewn to perfection. Here is a link to her store: Circus Peanuts
Here is our latest purchase:
They have a velcro closure - Gigi was practicing opening and closing them today! They have a wipeable lining and a gusseted bottom (they will sit by themselves).
May need to get more, for me!
Tour: The Studio (only crafters will thoroughly enjoy this post...)
I always refer to my "Studio" or "Workroom". Everyone says "how nice, you have your own place to store and work". It is nice, but it is completely on accident.
My house is a good size, but it is very poorly planned. When we bought it, we had no children. Anything was awesome then. Now that we are a functioning family of 5 with 2 dogs and 2 fish, this house is just plain "stoopid."
My workroom is our former living room which was a former dining room. We remodeled it after deciding we didn't want a dining room. It is our "first impression" room. The first room you see when you walk in our humble abode. When we had children, the "pretty room" was no longer a good idea. Then I started my business and the evolution of my workroom began. Here is a tour:
This is what you see when you walk in (and it has vaulted ceilings with a long ceiling fan):
The table in the back left corner is an antique from my mom's side of the family. It sat at the top of the stairs in my parents home which was my grandparents home for over 44 years (and is older than that). It has been in my home for 5 years. It has ball and claw feet in brass. Delish.
To the right of this photo is sewing supply central:
The bottom bins are full of fabric, tightly folded. I don't keep sizes larger than 1 yard typically since my projects are small scale. The mirror was handmade from my Grandpa Novak and also hung in my childhood home. Many faces have been reflected in this mirror. Strangely comforting.....
To the right of this corner is the opposite corner: Packing and Shipping.
I bought that floral tin at an antique fair in rural Illinois. It holds my change and church envelopes...lol. I have all my stationery there and packing supplies hidden in the credenza. On the wall is my giant college diploma, my pride and joy. Yes, they are that large. A representative from each department signs it.
And last, my desk:
Works of art! I wish I could say that is my only ribbon stash, but I have yards of hundreds of ribbons in a rolling bin to my right in this photo. I keep that photo of Francesca there to make all the other kids think I like her best...kidding! I just put it there because it needs to be hung....
So, there you have it. When I say I am going to the workroom, I sneak away here, and I wave to all my neighbors walking their dogs, kids and spouses out the front window. Perfect!
My house is a good size, but it is very poorly planned. When we bought it, we had no children. Anything was awesome then. Now that we are a functioning family of 5 with 2 dogs and 2 fish, this house is just plain "stoopid."
My workroom is our former living room which was a former dining room. We remodeled it after deciding we didn't want a dining room. It is our "first impression" room. The first room you see when you walk in our humble abode. When we had children, the "pretty room" was no longer a good idea. Then I started my business and the evolution of my workroom began. Here is a tour:
This is what you see when you walk in (and it has vaulted ceilings with a long ceiling fan):
The table in the back left corner is an antique from my mom's side of the family. It sat at the top of the stairs in my parents home which was my grandparents home for over 44 years (and is older than that). It has been in my home for 5 years. It has ball and claw feet in brass. Delish.
To the right of this photo is sewing supply central:
The bottom bins are full of fabric, tightly folded. I don't keep sizes larger than 1 yard typically since my projects are small scale. The mirror was handmade from my Grandpa Novak and also hung in my childhood home. Many faces have been reflected in this mirror. Strangely comforting.....
To the right of this corner is the opposite corner: Packing and Shipping.
I bought that floral tin at an antique fair in rural Illinois. It holds my change and church envelopes...lol. I have all my stationery there and packing supplies hidden in the credenza. On the wall is my giant college diploma, my pride and joy. Yes, they are that large. A representative from each department signs it.
And last, my desk:
Works of art! I wish I could say that is my only ribbon stash, but I have yards of hundreds of ribbons in a rolling bin to my right in this photo. I keep that photo of Francesca there to make all the other kids think I like her best...kidding! I just put it there because it needs to be hung....
So, there you have it. When I say I am going to the workroom, I sneak away here, and I wave to all my neighbors walking their dogs, kids and spouses out the front window. Perfect!
Back to School Shopping Memories - Worth $250 Bucks
Every year in August growing up in Chicagoland, the countdown would begin.
When were we going Back to School shopping?
My mom would announce the day in July and in true DeAnna fashion, I couldn't sleep the night before. We would head out to Aurora, Illinois to Fox Valley Mall and I was given $250 cash for clothes, and shoes and it had to last at least through spring. We'd grab lunch at Arby's and then after the mall we always ended up at a place called "Designer Depot" and "Fashionation". God, I miss those stores.
Although I played it safe with fashion trends, I did fall into a few traps - MC Hammer pants which were tie dyed. Mustard and brown colored dress shoes. Yellow Reebok high tops. I could go on and on.
I am thrilled I have two daughters to share the same experience with.
Now with the birth of online shopping, the thrill of the mall is somewhat obsolete. Especially in Charleston. The closest mall is terrible. No Gap, horrible anchor stores and an occasional shooting at Footlocker.
So in light of the new age of internet shopping, I'd like to introduce you to a few hot spots to click on to help your back to school shopping needs:
1) Next Direct. Have you been to their site yet? Oh, a must.
2) Zulily. My favorite "Bargain a day" site.
3) Ginger Pinks. Affordable, trendy jewelry for pre teens and moms.
4) Splash of Pink. Great. sales. always. Preppy resort wear for woman and girls.
5) Thred Up. Online kids resale shop. Swap clothes and only pay shipping.
6) Mamabargains and Baby Steals for daily bargains.
7) Ideeli and Rent the Runway - more awesomeness for mom
8) Handmade clothing that LASTS and WASHES GREAT at Sew Posh Baby and my friend Grace's store Finley and Oliver for great girls and BOYS items including mustache themed clothing.
9) For your fur baby Woof Woof and Sew On
10) Of course, my staples: Crazy 8, Gymboree, Carters and Janie and Jack. Love them.
Maybe my list introduced you to a few new shops/favorites of mine. I'd love to hear yours! Hope you get through back to school shopping for you or your kids painless and if you can, buy local as well!
Happy spending and saving!
When were we going Back to School shopping?
My mom would announce the day in July and in true DeAnna fashion, I couldn't sleep the night before. We would head out to Aurora, Illinois to Fox Valley Mall and I was given $250 cash for clothes, and shoes and it had to last at least through spring. We'd grab lunch at Arby's and then after the mall we always ended up at a place called "Designer Depot" and "Fashionation". God, I miss those stores.
Although I played it safe with fashion trends, I did fall into a few traps - MC Hammer pants which were tie dyed. Mustard and brown colored dress shoes. Yellow Reebok high tops. I could go on and on.
I am thrilled I have two daughters to share the same experience with.
Now with the birth of online shopping, the thrill of the mall is somewhat obsolete. Especially in Charleston. The closest mall is terrible. No Gap, horrible anchor stores and an occasional shooting at Footlocker.
So in light of the new age of internet shopping, I'd like to introduce you to a few hot spots to click on to help your back to school shopping needs:
1) Next Direct. Have you been to their site yet? Oh, a must.
2) Zulily. My favorite "Bargain a day" site.
3) Ginger Pinks. Affordable, trendy jewelry for pre teens and moms.
4) Splash of Pink. Great. sales. always. Preppy resort wear for woman and girls.
5) Thred Up. Online kids resale shop. Swap clothes and only pay shipping.
6) Mamabargains and Baby Steals for daily bargains.
7) Ideeli and Rent the Runway - more awesomeness for mom
8) Handmade clothing that LASTS and WASHES GREAT at Sew Posh Baby and my friend Grace's store Finley and Oliver for great girls and BOYS items including mustache themed clothing.
9) For your fur baby Woof Woof and Sew On
10) Of course, my staples: Crazy 8, Gymboree, Carters and Janie and Jack. Love them.
Maybe my list introduced you to a few new shops/favorites of mine. I'd love to hear yours! Hope you get through back to school shopping for you or your kids painless and if you can, buy local as well!
Happy spending and saving!
Project: What the heck have I been up to?
You don't want to know.....
My house looks like an episode of Hoarders. After 6 months of once per month (maybe twice per month) travel, we had stuff ALL over the place. My workroom still is not organized. I am trying to make an effort to post to Etsy twice per day (new bows posted yesterday: at demidesigns). So I will be working a lot! I just need a clean space to let my creative juices flow.
Here is the big project I have been working on: Outdoor slipcovers:
I got the foam at an Alabama foam company. It was SO reasonable, and it is very firm. I filled the back 20 inch pillows with poly-fil. Living so close to the beach, my cushions tend to mold and mildew, so I try not to invest in too expensive of a fabric.
I am also going to try to make some girls headbands populate this week. I made a "rosette" and will make a brown band to go with it:
I tend to make things based on fabrics I like, not on what my kids actually own. I am not sure what this will coordinate with, so it may be on Etsy soon enough!
To the workroom I go!
My house looks like an episode of Hoarders. After 6 months of once per month (maybe twice per month) travel, we had stuff ALL over the place. My workroom still is not organized. I am trying to make an effort to post to Etsy twice per day (new bows posted yesterday: at demidesigns). So I will be working a lot! I just need a clean space to let my creative juices flow.
Here is the big project I have been working on: Outdoor slipcovers:
I got the foam at an Alabama foam company. It was SO reasonable, and it is very firm. I filled the back 20 inch pillows with poly-fil. Living so close to the beach, my cushions tend to mold and mildew, so I try not to invest in too expensive of a fabric.
I am also going to try to make some girls headbands populate this week. I made a "rosette" and will make a brown band to go with it:
I tend to make things based on fabrics I like, not on what my kids actually own. I am not sure what this will coordinate with, so it may be on Etsy soon enough!
To the workroom I go!
I Got 99 Veggies but the Corn Ain't One.
Oh, the joy of comparing veggies to hip hop. Where there is a will, there is a way.
My family and I spent Independence Day weekend on the family farm. My Mother-in-law and her husband own a cattle farm. Grass fed, organic cattle with a load of vegetables. Every year we leave with an assortment. This year was no different.
Literally - 45 pounds of vegetables. 4 giant zucchini's, yellow squash, onions, and.......what else......oh, tomatoes. About 345 tomatoes. I immediately brought some to the neighbors and started cleaning and pruning....
Here is proof:
Reject box, some things did not travel well and I pruned and cleaned:
So, what's a girl to do? I have a family of four and only one of us eats vegetables (me, thank you). Gigi will eat things mixed with veggies. but Jack nor my husband really cares for them. I am going to scour the Earth for veggie friendly recipes.
Coincidentally last week I was watching Rachel Ray and she made Farmers Market Soup. It had a minestrone base. Pretty good with some crusty tuscan bread.
Here is a picture pre-broth:
I found a recipe for Summer Squash with Rice and wow, what a great recipe. Gigi LOVED it. It had a risotto flavor (buttery). Thad loved it, Jack picked out everything but the rice and carrots (success). I served it with chicken coated with paprika, garlic powder and a little flour cooked in a bit of canola. I was thinking curry, but summer squash made me think paprika.....it complimented ok.
So, I have gone through the bushel and have a lot left. I may make some zucchini bread, etc. I will keep you posted and pass on those great veggie recipes.
You may think I am crazy, but I am going to the Farmers Market tomorrow. I need some fill in's. I can't eat tomatoes for every meal!
Have a great weekend. I will be in the craft room next week!
My family and I spent Independence Day weekend on the family farm. My Mother-in-law and her husband own a cattle farm. Grass fed, organic cattle with a load of vegetables. Every year we leave with an assortment. This year was no different.
Literally - 45 pounds of vegetables. 4 giant zucchini's, yellow squash, onions, and.......what else......oh, tomatoes. About 345 tomatoes. I immediately brought some to the neighbors and started cleaning and pruning....
Here is proof:
Reject box, some things did not travel well and I pruned and cleaned:
So, what's a girl to do? I have a family of four and only one of us eats vegetables (me, thank you). Gigi will eat things mixed with veggies. but Jack nor my husband really cares for them. I am going to scour the Earth for veggie friendly recipes.
Coincidentally last week I was watching Rachel Ray and she made Farmers Market Soup. It had a minestrone base. Pretty good with some crusty tuscan bread.
Here is a picture pre-broth:
I found a recipe for Summer Squash with Rice and wow, what a great recipe. Gigi LOVED it. It had a risotto flavor (buttery). Thad loved it, Jack picked out everything but the rice and carrots (success). I served it with chicken coated with paprika, garlic powder and a little flour cooked in a bit of canola. I was thinking curry, but summer squash made me think paprika.....it complimented ok.
So, I have gone through the bushel and have a lot left. I may make some zucchini bread, etc. I will keep you posted and pass on those great veggie recipes.
You may think I am crazy, but I am going to the Farmers Market tomorrow. I need some fill in's. I can't eat tomatoes for every meal!
Have a great weekend. I will be in the craft room next week!
Recipe: Grandma Vonnies Sloppy Joe's (AKA - No Manwich)
There are MANY different varieties of Campbell Soup. I think it's over 32 varieties. Some of them seem so bizarre to me: Bean with Bacon, Scotch Broth and Pepper Pot - just to name a few.
There are old "trusty's" as well. My cousin Arlene not only taught me the joy that Imitation Vanilla can bring to life (she used to do shots of it), but she introduced me to Vegetarian Vegetable soup. She swears by it. Throw some Ritz on top - yum. It since has become one of my favorites as well.
But the one can of soup that I seek out from time to time is good old Chicken Gumbo.
My Grandma Lavaughn (aka Vonnie) made a sloppy joe that completely ruined the Manwich empire for me. It is a dish I serve monthly and has a bonus feature as well. Perfect for Saturday night dinner - intrigued? Read on....
Grandma Vonnie's Sloppy Joes
1 pound of ground beef
1 Tbsp of dried minced onion
1/4 cup of Mustard
4 tbsp of Ketchup
1 - 2 Cans of Campbells Chicken Gumbo drained (I add 2, my mom adds one)
salt and pepper to taste
1. Brown the ground beef and minced onion in a skillet or large saucepan. Drain fat.
2. Add mustard and ketchup
3. Add soup - I use 2 drained. Campbells changed the soup consistency and has more broth since the 1970's. I prefer more "girth".
4. Season w/ salt and pepper
5. Heat through and serve on Hamburger buns.
We serve it with chips and Auntie Rhonda's Onion Dip (recipe to look out for), green beans and a pickle.
Here is the Sloppy Joe Bonus: Save the leftover and mix it with your eggs on Sunday morning with a dash of hot sauce. Melt a slice of American Cheese on top and that my friends is Norm's Heart Attack Breakfast. A favorite of my friends who have fond memories of Sunday morning's at the Riha's.
Let me know if you try it!
There are old "trusty's" as well. My cousin Arlene not only taught me the joy that Imitation Vanilla can bring to life (she used to do shots of it), but she introduced me to Vegetarian Vegetable soup. She swears by it. Throw some Ritz on top - yum. It since has become one of my favorites as well.
But the one can of soup that I seek out from time to time is good old Chicken Gumbo.
My Grandma Lavaughn (aka Vonnie) made a sloppy joe that completely ruined the Manwich empire for me. It is a dish I serve monthly and has a bonus feature as well. Perfect for Saturday night dinner - intrigued? Read on....
Grandma Vonnie's Sloppy Joes
1 pound of ground beef
1 Tbsp of dried minced onion
1/4 cup of Mustard
4 tbsp of Ketchup
1 - 2 Cans of Campbells Chicken Gumbo drained (I add 2, my mom adds one)
salt and pepper to taste
1. Brown the ground beef and minced onion in a skillet or large saucepan. Drain fat.
2. Add mustard and ketchup
3. Add soup - I use 2 drained. Campbells changed the soup consistency and has more broth since the 1970's. I prefer more "girth".
4. Season w/ salt and pepper
5. Heat through and serve on Hamburger buns.
We serve it with chips and Auntie Rhonda's Onion Dip (recipe to look out for), green beans and a pickle.
Here is the Sloppy Joe Bonus: Save the leftover and mix it with your eggs on Sunday morning with a dash of hot sauce. Melt a slice of American Cheese on top and that my friends is Norm's Heart Attack Breakfast. A favorite of my friends who have fond memories of Sunday morning's at the Riha's.
Let me know if you try it!
Fourth of July Memories - Read in the form of Bullets - (snaps...)
- Backyard parties with foldable lawn chairs
- Hot and sweaty by 2pm
- Stuffing my face with burgers and fruit salad served in a carved out watermelon
- My Aunt Flo singing "Proud to be an American" - have it on video!
- Eventually hosting 4th of July in our backyard - my parents set up tents to shelter the elders
- Horseshoes in the way back of our yard
- Annual bottle rocket fight which ended up in kids crying because they were scared
- Pretending to like sparklers
- Going to Mountain Home, Arkansas up until age 14, going on the lake all day and then hiding in the conversion van when it was time for fireworks
- Black snakes and Snaps
- Downers Grove, IL parade when my brother walked with the boy scouts
- Rushing down to the local strip mall to set up a blanket in the parking lot to watch the fireworks
- Watching my scared dog, Heidi, shiver in bed with me because she hated the fireworks
- My dad teaching us flag etiquette
- The 5th of July when the remnants of the prior day lingered
Have a great 4th of July everyone! I leave you with this: Why did anyone invent "Punks"? Discuss.....
Family: Confidence in Parenting (a ramble)
Lisa Kogan, a regular contributing writer for "O" Magazine once said on an "O" Radio segment: "It doesn't matter if you are a stay at home mom or send them to daycare, what matters is that you have enough money for therapy because they will need it either way."
Amen to that!
This always resonates with me. In this day and age, people are in therapy for EVERYTHING!
For such a long time I fought with myself about going back to the workforce. How could I leave my innocent baby with a stranger? No one could "mommy" this child as much as I could. But, I had just received my Bachelors Degree and was up to my unplucked eyebrows in student loans. My husband had never been the primary breadwinner and my ego couldn't handle not being a financial contributor.
I found a great job in interior design ( a field I was trying to get "out" of at the time) which allowed me to work 4 days per week. The perfect marriage for me and my new family. I took my child to daycare , or "school" as we called, and went to a job I hated. I became pregnant with baby number two after working there for eight months. I was elated because we got pregnant our third month of trying. Much to my surprise, my boss was not to excited (anyone who puts their hands to their head and says "why don't you kick me while I am down" typically is not excited).
So, one day my boss called me up to her office (yes, I said "up to her office". She had an office that was like a bird perch watching over her employees). She said in a stern, telling voice: "You need to come back to work five days per week".
She caught me completely off guard. I said very matter-of-factly: "I can't do that". And using her evil words as "talons", she said "Well then, when do you want your last day to be?"
Nice. I was basically just fired.
I chose family over job. Sure, I could have gone to work five days per week. People do it all the time. But I had landed the job after I had my son and had not assimilated with them in the way I had assimilated to my family. I took unemployment benefits for a while, gave birth and carried on.
After "The Geeg" (Gigi) was born, I longed to contribute to society in a different way. I know that in the end of my journey on earth that what matters most is if my kids are happy and how they will continue our family's legacy. But on this journey, I feel the need to remind myself who I was before I had kids. One day they are going to leave the nest and I am going to be somewhat "alone" again. Sure, I will have Thad, but I want to still have my own interests and contribution to the bottom line.
So here I am, a mother of three, who carries mommy guilt around like a Coach handbag. It's always with me. I have two work-at-home jobs and I get to guide the kids at the same time through their early years. One position does have me in a weekly meeting at Starbucks and I call that a BREAK! I work mainly an hour in the morning, two hours at 2:00pm, and an hour in the evening. A busy, happy, healthy, balance. Essentially a win-win.
On the flip-side, I have friends who have black and white situations: They either work full-time and their children go to daycare or they strictly stay at home. Both express guilt in one way or another over if they are doing the right thing in each situation. Let's face it, we are more of a capitalist society since the 1950's and a one income family is not always enough.
I will go back to the workforce full-time eventually (now, if Gymboree called me to work in San Fran in the girls creative department, I would accept in a minute with overtime). But for now I will find that balance between "whole self" and "mommy self".
The truth is, no matter what I pick or what my friends pick - no matter which direction the wind blows our sails, we make decisions based on what is best for OUR family. We as mothers need to have confidence in our decisions and know that our kids love us unconditionally. We need to have confidence in each calculated direction we take.
After all, confidence is one of the best traits your kids can inherit.
Amen to that!
This always resonates with me. In this day and age, people are in therapy for EVERYTHING!
For such a long time I fought with myself about going back to the workforce. How could I leave my innocent baby with a stranger? No one could "mommy" this child as much as I could. But, I had just received my Bachelors Degree and was up to my unplucked eyebrows in student loans. My husband had never been the primary breadwinner and my ego couldn't handle not being a financial contributor.
I found a great job in interior design ( a field I was trying to get "out" of at the time) which allowed me to work 4 days per week. The perfect marriage for me and my new family. I took my child to daycare , or "school" as we called, and went to a job I hated. I became pregnant with baby number two after working there for eight months. I was elated because we got pregnant our third month of trying. Much to my surprise, my boss was not to excited (anyone who puts their hands to their head and says "why don't you kick me while I am down" typically is not excited).
So, one day my boss called me up to her office (yes, I said "up to her office". She had an office that was like a bird perch watching over her employees). She said in a stern, telling voice: "You need to come back to work five days per week".
She caught me completely off guard. I said very matter-of-factly: "I can't do that". And using her evil words as "talons", she said "Well then, when do you want your last day to be?"
Nice. I was basically just fired.
I chose family over job. Sure, I could have gone to work five days per week. People do it all the time. But I had landed the job after I had my son and had not assimilated with them in the way I had assimilated to my family. I took unemployment benefits for a while, gave birth and carried on.
After "The Geeg" (Gigi) was born, I longed to contribute to society in a different way. I know that in the end of my journey on earth that what matters most is if my kids are happy and how they will continue our family's legacy. But on this journey, I feel the need to remind myself who I was before I had kids. One day they are going to leave the nest and I am going to be somewhat "alone" again. Sure, I will have Thad, but I want to still have my own interests and contribution to the bottom line.
So here I am, a mother of three, who carries mommy guilt around like a Coach handbag. It's always with me. I have two work-at-home jobs and I get to guide the kids at the same time through their early years. One position does have me in a weekly meeting at Starbucks and I call that a BREAK! I work mainly an hour in the morning, two hours at 2:00pm, and an hour in the evening. A busy, happy, healthy, balance. Essentially a win-win.
On the flip-side, I have friends who have black and white situations: They either work full-time and their children go to daycare or they strictly stay at home. Both express guilt in one way or another over if they are doing the right thing in each situation. Let's face it, we are more of a capitalist society since the 1950's and a one income family is not always enough.
I will go back to the workforce full-time eventually (now, if Gymboree called me to work in San Fran in the girls creative department, I would accept in a minute with overtime). But for now I will find that balance between "whole self" and "mommy self".
The truth is, no matter what I pick or what my friends pick - no matter which direction the wind blows our sails, we make decisions based on what is best for OUR family. We as mothers need to have confidence in our decisions and know that our kids love us unconditionally. We need to have confidence in each calculated direction we take.
After all, confidence is one of the best traits your kids can inherit.
Project: Plastic Grocery Bag Holder
I mentioned this on my Facebook page (DemiDesigns page, that is), I was obsessed with containing my bags. I picked a cute trellis fabric, added a few notions and voila - the containment. Hung it in my "moth free" pantry (thank you mint oil), and now I can pull a bag as needed.
I used a toggle closure:

And elastic at the bottom:
Thanks for peeking!
I used a toggle closure:

And elastic at the bottom:
Thanks for peeking!

Recipe: M is for Migas
Some of you may have heard me throw the word "Migas" around. 1) It's a fun word to say especially if you let the "s" linger and 2) It is so good. The word translates to "crumbs" in Spanish.
I was first introduced to Migas in April in Austin, Texas. I was at a hip, Austin eatery for breakfast after a night of binge drinking (childless for the weekend) and stumbled upon this item on the menu. I asked our waiter what it was and he said "eggs mixed with whatever is in the kitchen....tortillas, cheese and other stuff". All I heard was tortillas and cheese and I said "I'll take the Migasssss".
It was so good. I started making it at home two months ago and have had it once or twice a week. So without further "ado", here is Migas:
Recipe is for one:
3 eggs (you can take out a yolk if you'd like) mixed with a little milk
1 - 2 chopped green onions
1/4 - 1/2 cup of crumbled tortilla chips or 2 small torn corn tortillas
1.5 Tbsp veg. oil
1/2 cup of shredded cheese (any kind, but mexi blends or colby jack works great)
1 tsp of cumin
1/2 cup of salsa
In a 10 or 12 inch skillet heat the veg. oil and saute green onions and tortillas 2-4 minutes. Add eggs and stir. Just as the eggs stiffen, add the cheese and cumin. Cook for about 3 minutes. Make a well in the center of the eggs and add salsa. Let the salsa sit for about a minute while the liquid burns off. Then mix together and serve!
A little bite of Spanish heaven.
I like Jack's Special Salsa from the produce aisle. You can add a little diced jalapeno, black beans, onion, or truly anything. The tortillas really make it a unique flavored dish.
Muy bien!
I was first introduced to Migas in April in Austin, Texas. I was at a hip, Austin eatery for breakfast after a night of binge drinking (childless for the weekend) and stumbled upon this item on the menu. I asked our waiter what it was and he said "eggs mixed with whatever is in the kitchen....tortillas, cheese and other stuff". All I heard was tortillas and cheese and I said "I'll take the Migasssss".
It was so good. I started making it at home two months ago and have had it once or twice a week. So without further "ado", here is Migas:
Recipe is for one:
3 eggs (you can take out a yolk if you'd like) mixed with a little milk
1 - 2 chopped green onions
1/4 - 1/2 cup of crumbled tortilla chips or 2 small torn corn tortillas
1.5 Tbsp veg. oil
1/2 cup of shredded cheese (any kind, but mexi blends or colby jack works great)
1 tsp of cumin
1/2 cup of salsa
In a 10 or 12 inch skillet heat the veg. oil and saute green onions and tortillas 2-4 minutes. Add eggs and stir. Just as the eggs stiffen, add the cheese and cumin. Cook for about 3 minutes. Make a well in the center of the eggs and add salsa. Let the salsa sit for about a minute while the liquid burns off. Then mix together and serve!
A little bite of Spanish heaven.
I like Jack's Special Salsa from the produce aisle. You can add a little diced jalapeno, black beans, onion, or truly anything. The tortillas really make it a unique flavored dish.
Muy bien!
"You've got your hands full"
If I had a nickel for every time I have heard that from complete strangers, I wouldn't have to pawn my loot on Craigslist for cash (kidding). This week on Wednesday I had THREE separate people say that to me. On Thursday it was twice. What makes them think I have my hands full? Is it because:
Newsflash: Just because I am a mother of three does not immediately mean that I am suffering and I am crazed. I may have a cluttered house, but I enjoy the chaos and if I didn't have kids I would have more dogs. My hands are not "full" with bad kids (as most strangers think), my heart is full of love.
And I am proud to say that the more I take kids out in public, the better they act the next time. They are learning how to assimilate in different situations and so far I think they do pretty good!
I don't need your empathy, John Q. Public......I just need you to hold the door for me when you see me running with my human train!
- I have a baby in a B'jorn, a child in a cart and a child hanging on the side of the cart while shopping from a list?
- Is it because I am making a human train with my kids while holding an infant carrier running across a busy parking lot to swim lessons?
- I am standing outside with kids screaming at me from the front porch when my dog breaks loose?
Newsflash: Just because I am a mother of three does not immediately mean that I am suffering and I am crazed. I may have a cluttered house, but I enjoy the chaos and if I didn't have kids I would have more dogs. My hands are not "full" with bad kids (as most strangers think), my heart is full of love.
And I am proud to say that the more I take kids out in public, the better they act the next time. They are learning how to assimilate in different situations and so far I think they do pretty good!
I don't need your empathy, John Q. Public......I just need you to hold the door for me when you see me running with my human train!
Let me introduce myself...
As many of you know, I am on Facebook a lot. I attribute that to two pregnancies on bedrest which led me to online socializing. A habit was formed which I cannot shake. What I am finding is that I need more space and a larger forum to post my ideas. So, here it is. The birth of a blog.
I am a mother of three, a wife to one...sometimes mother of four and a wife to none (he accuses me of mothering everyone)! I laugh with him, not at him. I have worn many hats, but a domestic goddess/domestic negotiator seems to fit.
My strengths are in creative outlets. I used to write - a lot. After my English 103 professor told me to rewrite my poetry, I looked for a new way to channel my creative abilities. I left Chicago and moved to San Diego, San Francisco and settled in Charleston, South Carolina.....along the way I stumbled into interior design and tumbled into recruiting. I then backflipped back into interior design after 7 years in staffing and also earned a Bachelors Degree in Communication Studies. I quietly snuck back out of interior design in 2005 after my son was born.
In 2007 I opened my own childrens accessory business DemiDesigns ( De for DeAnna and mi for Miller - duh!) demidesigns.etsy.com. Being a mother, wife and relentless designer is where I get my ideas from. I design fabric while driving, I draw patterns while cooking, I cook while holding babies.....
I hope you enjoy my ideas. It took me awhile to start this blog - I wanted to ensure that I could follow through with what my initial plan was and there is no better gift or time then the present.
Hope you enjoy the ride!
I am a mother of three, a wife to one...sometimes mother of four and a wife to none (he accuses me of mothering everyone)! I laugh with him, not at him. I have worn many hats, but a domestic goddess/domestic negotiator seems to fit.
My strengths are in creative outlets. I used to write - a lot. After my English 103 professor told me to rewrite my poetry, I looked for a new way to channel my creative abilities. I left Chicago and moved to San Diego, San Francisco and settled in Charleston, South Carolina.....along the way I stumbled into interior design and tumbled into recruiting. I then backflipped back into interior design after 7 years in staffing and also earned a Bachelors Degree in Communication Studies. I quietly snuck back out of interior design in 2005 after my son was born.
In 2007 I opened my own childrens accessory business DemiDesigns ( De for DeAnna and mi for Miller - duh!) demidesigns.etsy.com. Being a mother, wife and relentless designer is where I get my ideas from. I design fabric while driving, I draw patterns while cooking, I cook while holding babies.....
I hope you enjoy my ideas. It took me awhile to start this blog - I wanted to ensure that I could follow through with what my initial plan was and there is no better gift or time then the present.
Hope you enjoy the ride!
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