
Suck it Janie and Jack, There is a New Designer in Town!

I have to say, I am pretty proud of my latest creation.

1.  I love pleated ruffles
2.  I made this with my own pattern
3.  I figured out how to double stitch
4.  It actually fits Gigi (my biggest accomplishment)

The arm holes were my biggest challenge and my thorn in my side, but I think I know how to remedy it for next time.

Here is the back closure detail and the pleated ruffle up close:

And finally, double stitch hem....

I am on a sewing binge! 


  1. That is freakin' adorable, DeAnna! I'm impressed.

  2. Thanks!!!! I am enjoying making my own patterns......love it.

  3. How fabulous is that?? SO fabulous!!
